Monday, August 11, 2008

This is my new, official blog

Goodbye, MySpace! I've left you for another, cleaner, more mature blog, in an effort to lead a cleaner, more mature life. Or something.

This summer has been a blur, with a new grandchild born, and a flurry of readings and events. I'm just back from NYC, where I did a Letters to the World reading with Mendi Lewis Obadike and Amy Lemmon. There is a slideshow of photos by my partner, Steve Peterson, HERE for your viewing pleasure. For a schedule of upcoming events, look at my schedule.

In July, I did another Letters reading with Christina Pacosz in Kansas City, and there are pictures (also by Steve Peterson) HERE.

Watch this space for more shards of my thoughts. Or not. It's really up to you.


Anonymous said...

Looks sharp, LouAnn! I'm just back from Vermont College - a good week! - LVPD

Matt Merritt said...

Only just found this - it looks great. Hope all's well with you and that the book is selling well.